Monday, August 17, 2020

 Happy Birthday!


So I've not posted on here in three years. 


There's no excuse. I've still kept up in your Journal that I write for you but I was diagnosed with cancer back in October of 2017. Prostate cancer to be exact. It scared the living shit out of me. Not so much because I am scared of dying, I'm not really afraid of death, but because I felt helpless and what would become of you, Wade & Brandi if something happened to me & I couldn't work or died?

Well, I had surgery and so far, everything is good. I’ve had blood work done every 6 months since 2018 and no cancer. The other thing that happened is I took on another full time firefighting job. I did this to secure my retirement (50% pay of the average yearly earnings for a year, based on my high 4 earning years). Since this blog is public, I’ll not post the names of the Departments, you know them and they’re in your Journal.

So, to recap the last three years: I was scared shitless, we decided to home-school you and Wade and my mom, Lois bought the house next door to us and moved here from South Carolina.

You have been TERRIFIC this whole time. We’ve had wonderful family vacations, you have grown taller and we have shared a lot of hard times but also a lot of love.

Your favorite “toy” is a Beanie Baby that is a black dog you named “Soft Dog”. You take Soft Dog EVERYWHERE with you and flip out if he’s missing. One time last year, you left Soft Dog at the grocery store. We called and no one had turned him in so I ordered you a new one online. When the new one came in you were somewhat content and named it “Soft Buddy”- as Soft Dog was irreplaceable. Well the store found Soft Dog and gave it back so now you have two except that they look a little different and YOU CAN DEFINITELY TELL THEM APART. No fooling you. Hahaha.

We had a party for your tenth birthday yesterday and you had a great time and got lots of presents. I even got you a 4wheeler.

I can’t believe it’s been ten years today. Wow.  Time flies buddy. Use it wisely. You’ll blink and it’ll be gone.

Below are some pics from the last few birthdays and I will try my best to write more often. I love you Bodie!


I'll upload pics from your 10th Birthday party (yesterday) soon. 

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