Monday, December 19, 2011

Bodie meets Santa!

Everything has been going pretty smooth since the cleft repair & jaw distraction. We took Wade & Bodie to see Santa last week & they did very well!
Bodie was pulling at Santa's beard & Wade was well behaved as opposed to the screaming fit that he threw last year...

We even got to take our first Outdoor Family Christmas Card pic!


Scheduled for Dec 28th is the removal of the distractor hardware & .........

Possible Trach removal!!!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Surgery update

Well the surgery went as planned. Bodie did well and we went to see him after the surgery in the PICU.

He was swollen and unhappy. It was a long 48 hours and then the Doctors noticed a problem. The right side was not adjusting correctly. They had to go back in under anethesia and fix the problem. His skin was stretched so tight that it was holding the adjusters from moving. So they cut the skin/flesh so it could move where they needed it.

After a looooooooong eight days we were able to come home. Wade stayed with Paula because he had picked up a cold, (more on that later).

And now the pics...

Before: (He was as happy as can be)


Finally starting to feel a little better:

Corinne even stopped by for a visit to cheer him up:

The jaw distractors will come of just before Christmas hopefully.

Wade came home sick from Paula's & despite our best efforts to keep him quarantined, Bodie got sick.

After a trip to the ER he's back home on antibiotics & improving slightly.

This has been a hard month on all of us so far.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Big Surgery tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day. Jaw distraction surgery (again) and closing the cleft palate.

I'm nervous mostly due to anestesia fears more than anything.

I hate that Bodie has to endue yet another surgery that will leave him immobile, sore, hurt, scarred and helpless but I know the results will be worth the suffering in the end.

Oh to be rid of that damn trach!

Praying everything goes smooth for the Surgical team & for my beautiful son.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Bodie Crawls!

Bodie Crawls! Hooray!

What a wonderful day it was Saturday. I was out running errands when I got a call on my cell phone from Brandi. "You'll never guess what your son did" Of course I'm thinking that Wade must have broken something, but it was GREAT news instead.... Bodie Crawled! For the last two months he has been able to pull his legs up underneath him but not able to crawl... until Saturday.

As of last night, he is now pulling himself UP on stationary objects too!

I am so happy that my little boy is making such great progress!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Surgery update...

We went to see Dr St Hilaire in New Orleans today. He's the doctor that performed Bodie's jaw distraction. Well, he's going to do another one & close the cleft palate at the same time. Looking like this will all happen around the first week of November.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Making progress...

My sweet boy is doing great things lately. He's learned how to flip from his back to his stomach & can "crawl" backwards- more of a scoot than a crawl actually. But it's progress and I'm a proud Dad.

Bodie is still as happy as ever. I swear, tht kid knows how to appreciate life & smiles at me every single time he sees me.

Heading into Fall we are expecting a surgery date for the Jaw Distraction part II. Hopefully to be followed by the Cleft repair surgery, (soon as well).

The main thing is to be vigilant during Flu season to keep Bodie & Wade from getting sick.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


From Mommy:

Well my's been quite a year. Without a doubt, the hardest of my life.
When we decided to have another baby, I thought the extent of my sacrifice would be going through the pregnancy, delivery & baby years all over again. We never imagined we'd both be going through an emotional breakdown instead. We never imagined we'd be watching our baby fight for his life.
Of course you know about all the bad things that can happen, but you never really think it could ever happen to you. You see things on tv, and you cry along, and you think if that ever happened to me, there's no way I could handle it...but you do. You get through it one day at a time, one hour at a time, you go numb, you build up walls, you pretend like it's not real, you spend most of your time with your head in your hands, you go through the motions like a zombie. You hope, but you try not to hope out loud cause your scared you might jinx something. You cry in the shower or in bed cause you don't want to freak out your 3 year old, and you don't want your Husband to see how weak & hopeless you are. You try to maintain your feelings so you don't pile anymore stress or grief on your partners shoulders. But mostly, you fill up your mind with all these selfish little thoughts, because if for one second you let yourself think about the hell that baby is having to endure, that's when you lose it.
Look at you now though! Look how far you come, it's absolutely amazing! You have been through so much, but you still smile all the time. I guess you appreciate life more than most people, because you know firsthand how fragile it is! I love watching how determined you are to do everything, you don't let anything get in your way. Just like you were determined not to let anything cheat you out of your life! I hope you always keep that happy & positive disposition all through your life.
It's funny to think back to those first few months and remember how angry and bitter I was that this happened to us. I felt unlucky. And now I realize just how lucky I really am. I got to witness an honest to goodness miracle, I got to find out how strong I am, and how dedicated this family is, and I learned how to be grateful. But mostly, I'm lucky because I have you!
Happy Birthday Sweet Angel!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Results in...

No Muscular Dystropy, but Bodie has Mitochondrial Complex 1 deficiency.

Basically, his muscle Mitochondria do not produse ATP (needed for energy).

Studying up on what this means & how to treat it.

In other news, he will have to have yet ANOTHER jaw distraction. The first one did not move his jaw out far enough.

Getting there slowly but surely...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nervous Anticipation

Tomorrow is the big day. We've been waiting for Bodie's muscle biopsy results for well over a month... (since he had his jaw distraction surgery in May).

We should know the results tomorrow & hopefully they will show that he does not have Muscular Dystrophy.

Praying extra hard tonight...


Monday, July 18, 2011

Sitting up!

IMAG1643 by ryker1970
Huge milestone!

Bodie is finally able to sit unsupported!

We have to help him into a sitting position, but after that he can maintain his balance. It's like whole new world to him...

I'm so proud of my little buddy!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Speaking Valve success!

Bodie has a little purple cap that fits on the Trach called a Passy-Muir Speaking Valve.

It essentially redirects the airflow from his lungs (exhalation) to his upper airway, (mouth/nose) instead of exiting his Trach. It allows the air to pass his vocal cords & vibrate them in the process guessed it, sound!


This redirection of air must seem foreign to him, because all he's ever known is breathing through his trach. It's taking some getting used to. He hated it at first & would only tolerate it for a few seconds. He has since worked up to over an hour now, (Thanks hunny!). He must get to the point where he is wearing it all day before we can attempt another decanulation, (permanent trach removal).

I'm excited about his progress & LOVE hearing my sons voice! He coos & makes little squeaky noises.
I hope to attach a Youtube video soon.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thanks Mom!

IMAG1558 by ryker1970
IMAG1558, a photo by ryker1970 on Flickr.
After visiting with us for a month, my Mom headed back home today. A ten hour drive is too far away from Me-me.

I hope she can sell her house quickly & come stay closer to our Family.

I love you Mom! Thanks for everything you did during your stay, we had a great time. See you real soon!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Keep on truckin...

Slow but steady progress. That's how we roll.

It's been a week since the distractors came off & the failed capping attempt. Bodie is doing great otherwise. He seems happier (how that's possible, I don't know) maybe because the distractors aren't poking him anymore & his face is beginning to feel "normal" again.

The recommendation we received was to increase the time we are trying his Passy-Muir speaking valve on him, so eventually he can work up to tolerating it for a whole day. This could take months, but we are going to remain firm in our resolve to see this through & get rid of that damn trach.

He's doing much better at sitting up, (supported) and is almost able to roll himself over on to his stomach.

Finally, he just keeps getting more adorable each day. I do love that boy!


Friday, June 24, 2011

One step closer...

Before surgery to remove his jaw distractors:

and AFTER:

Unfortunately, the trach capping didn't go well. He's still got the trach for some time to come now...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Waiting game & visit from Meme...

Well, we are waiting for Thursday in earnest. Bodie will get his jaw distractors removed & hopefully the Trach as well... He sure has been a trooper through all this. I am so ready for my baby boy to feel better & grow bigger & stronger.

Since June, my mom & nephew have been visiting & staying with us. She has really taken to the boys & they adore their "Meme".

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Possible Trach removal!

Got the news that when Bodie goes back to have the jaw distractors removed, they are going to downsize his trach again (from a 3.0 to a 2.5) and try capping.

Capping is just what it sounds like, they cap the trach forcing him to breathe through his mouth/nose. He'll either tolerate it well or he won't. I'm hoping he does well. He's gotten up to over 5 minutes with the Passy-Muir valve (a form of capping in a way). He only gets upset when he coughs. I think it scares him & the effect is like a snowball going down hill.

If the capping goes well they could remove the trach altogether, my question is where are all those secretions we constantly suction out going to go?

His swallow study came back positive, meaning we can continue with oral feeds even though he does not like them. Feeding seems to be the last big hurdle for trach kids & Bodie is proving to be textbook in that area.

Overall I am thrilled with his progress. I do hate that we have to wait until July 26th to get the results from the muscle biopsy. They do not give out results over the phone & have a two month wait for an appointment... Arrrrgh!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jaw Distraction Surgery

On May 11 Bodie went in for his Jaw Distraction surgery. He also got tubes put in his ears and a muscle biopsy. The surgery went very well, we were actually surprised by how little swelling & bruising there was, but he looked like he was in alot of pain and had blood coming out of his mouth, nose, trach, g-tube, you name it.
Waiting to go back:

Here is his after-surgery picture:

We stayed in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with him for the next 6 days while he recovered, which is not our favorite place because of all the rules and it seems like we always have problems with a few of the nurses. My only real complaint was one nurse who took it upon herself to decide when he needed pain meds. At one point the Dr asked her when was the last time he got the meds and she said 6 am! It was 2 in the afternoon and he was supposed to be getting it every 4 hours. I had told her twice that he looked like he was in pain and the Respiratory Therapist told her once. She didn't respond to either of us but she sure responded to the Dr. I guess we were beneath her. They finally let us move to the regular PEDS floor.

Day 5 Pic:

An hour after we were in our new room I noticed that it looked like his skin was tearing between the two puncture points on one side. I tried to clean it because I originally had thought it was just dried blood and marker lines from the surgery but it was definitely his skin tearing. I put up a big fuss and had the surgeon in there the next morning. Not surprisingly, he acted like it was no big deal and not really important in the bigger picture of getting his airway open. He said he could fix any scars that remained. So I had to swallow my anger and move on. It's very difficult to have to look your child in the eyes all the time while they are being hurt and you can't do anything to help them.

Ryker's biggest complaint was that he had to correct a few of the Drs who were adjusting the wrong screws, which would be pushing his jaw in the wrong direction. Whoever was on duty next would be brought in, shown once, and then have to come in 12 hours later to do the adjustment, not surprising that they didn't remember exactly. There really should have been a better system in place.
After 10 long days, we were told that we could go home as soon as the surgeon got there the next morning to do a final adjustment and give him the all clear. We were So Happy to finally be getting out of there and wouldn't you know that damn Surgeon didn't show up until after 9 PM! We had to sit there for an entire extra day!

All in all, I guess it wasn't too bad. His jaw was moved forward 22 mm. Bodie is doing fine, the ENT changed his trach to 1/2 size smaller so more air can get around it. When he goes in to get his Hellraiser metal cage removed, she will downsize it another 1/2 size and cap it to see how he does. Hopefully that test goes better than the swallow study he just took! If that Trach comes out in the next few months, I will be a VERY happy lady!

Some Before & After Pics:

Before & After:

His new open airway also makes him Much Much more tolerant of his speaking valve and he gets to practice with a bottle with tiny bits of formula at a time! He can also (kind of) cry out loud now. It gets louder the more he needs to be suctioned.

His First Practice Bottle (not enjoying it):

We have an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow for a check up, and hopefully the metal will be removed in a month.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Surgery update coming soon...

I was going to write & publish an update but Brandi said she wanted to do it when she brings him home so I'm going to let her do just that.

I'll just say how proud I've been of her during all this, along with Bodie- my sweet baby boy. I love you both, along with Wade more than words can ever express...


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day...

Bodie is scheduled to have his jaw distraction surgery tomorrow. They are also going to put tubes in his ears and take a muscle biopsy from his thigh. I'm not looking forward to him being under anesthesia again or the pain & suffering he will endure when he wakes up. Hopefully the end result will be worth it & he won't remember the procedure.
They will have to cut his bottom jaw in half on both sides & attach pins through his cheeks to adjust it daily. My poor little angel is going to look like some kind of Frankenstein for four weeks. With the ear procedure done at the same time, I imagine his head will swell up like a ballon.

I'm going to be praying real hard for my baby boy today & tomorrow.

Friday, May 6, 2011

On the mend

After a rough few days Bodie seems to be doing better. We took him to see his Pulmonologist in New Orleans who said he had a respiratory infection. A regiment of steroids followed for the next five days along with home oxygen & breathing treatments every few hours.

He's starting to look & feel like his old self again & I am very relieved. We have a follow up visit on Monday and hope to have him cleared for his big surgery on Wednesday.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Being sick sucks...

Especially if you are eight months old with a trach.

Bodie caught Wade's cold after Easter. I'm officially quarantining the house from all guests until Bodie gets his trach out. and Wade can no longer attend Church unfortunately.

It is just heartbreaking to see Bodie suffer like this.

He can't breathe, can't cough, he can't get comfortable. We've been up two nights now by his bedside giving him breathing treatments every two hours and antibiotics.

I'm very close to taking him to the Hospital.

I don't have the money for another medical bill, nor do I have time on the books to take off from work. What I need right now is a damn miracle.

I just want my son to not be sick anymore.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We had a great Easter Holiday. My Mom was here until Saturday & she got to spend lots of time with the boys. She helped Wade dye Easter eggs & spent a lot of time making Bodie smile ear to ear...


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bodie gets to meet his Me-me & other good news...

Bodie got a wonderful gift yesterday. My mom surprised us with a visit for a few days & got to meet her grandson for the first time! Bodie was happy to give his Me-me lots of big smiles & kisses.

Life is good.

In other news, we head to Ochsner's tomorrow for a CT Scan to make sure everything is looking good for his upcoming surgery. Me-me is staying home with Wade & we home to be back by mid afternoon.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Surgery Scheduled...

Got the news yesterday after meeting with the Cranio-facial team...

Bodie is set to have his jaw distraction surgery on May 11th, along with tubes placed in his ears & a muscle biopsy to test for Myopathy (Muscular Dystrophy).

The head Surgeon who does the cleft palate repair surgery said that Bodie was a good candidate & should get the surgery around age 1yr to 18mo.

We also saw his Pulmonologist & a Gastrointestinal Doctor. Both visits showed marginal improvement which I'll take over regression any day.

I'm happy & excited while nervous at the same time.


Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's the word that comes to mind when I think about this Wednesday.

Bodie is scheduled to meet with about eight different doctors in New Orleans, including the Cranio-facial Surgical team to assess him for his future surgery to correct his palate & possibly his jaw (distraction). They will also be assessing his ears for tubes to be placed in the future.

It's going to be a long day for sure. I'm going to be taking lots of notes...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hearing Bodie's voice for the first time...

This was during Bodie's Hospital stay. He was on a ventilator to breathe & the extra escaping air was passing over his vocal cords & allowing him to "cry" out loud for the first time.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Trach Style

This is what I call "trach style".

My beautiful baby boy sporting a mohawk & his tracheostomy.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My two boys

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This is what makes me happy!

Good news travels fast.

Got the call yesterday from the Craniofacial rep at Ochsner's Children's Hospital. Bodie got an appointment with the Craniofacial team. These are the Doctors that will do his reconstructive surgery on his mouth & jaw. He has an appointment the second week of April. We are thrilled at this good news!

Today he had his Pediatrician visit & got his last RSV immunization. He got a good report from the Pediatrician, Dr Harper. He's up to 11.5 pounds now. Great news!

Lastly, the Home Health people delivered Bodie's much needed supplies, and I am going to give them one last chance to prove them selves a reputable Company.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The joys of Home Health...

Home Health. What is it?

A Company who provides medical supplies for home use. In our case it's Grace Health Care of Gulfport.

They bring the suction machines, medical supplies, sterile equipment that we need to provide for Bodie's needs.

They charge the supplies to: our Insurance,(now cancelled) or Medicaid.

We only use what we need & we re-use the things we can wash, for example: feeding syringes, electrode monitor connections, etc. The stuff we can't re-use is used once & then thrown away, for example: suction catheters, Mepilex, (trach dressing) trach cleaning supplies, etc.

Apparently, there is a limit set by some bean counter in some office who knows nothing about taking care of a special needs child. How do I know this? Because Bodie is over his "limit" according to the Home Heath care Company. I'm waiting to see this list...

So when we went over this month & Medicaid told our Home Health Company they wouldn't pay for the supplies, what did they do...? Just quit delivering to us.

After three hours on the phone this morning I THINK I have this issue resolved.

We shall see.


Monday, March 28, 2011

When in doubt... panic.

You know the feeling. You leave home & just know you left the coffee pot or the stove on, or did you forget to bring something?  Now which was it?

Both of those pale in comparison to the feeling I had today when we parked the car in New Orleans (two hours from home) at the Doctor's office and realized that I had forgotten to bring Bodie's portable suction machine.

Without this machine, he get secretions built up in his trach (airway) and cannot breathe. The machine is how we suction these secretions clear.

So here we sit & I am in full blown, stark raving panic mode. What the hell am I going to use to clear his airway if there is an obstruction? After Brandi manages to calm me down I figure I can suction him with a suction catheter & my mouth if necessary. (In reality-that isn't going to work).

But my next idea had promise... (more on that in a minute)

We went on with our appointment & Bodie did not need to be suctioned a single time, thank God!

Here's my idea that did work... I know, because I tested it at home later. I attached a suction catheter to a feeding syringe & created a vacuum (suction) by pulling the plunger back while holding my finger over the open suction catheter port. I was able to draw 25ml of water up the catheter into the syringe my first try.

But I don't think I'll EVER leave the portable suction at home again.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Heading to Genetics tomorrow...

Tomorrow we go to see Dr. Niazov in new Orleans. He's the Geneticist that we hope will tell us that Bodie does not have Muscular Dystrophy. I know he can't tell us this tomorrow, but I like to hope.

He'll first have to do a muscle biopsy on Bodie's leg muscle & then test the tissue to know for sure.

So, I really don't know what to expect of our visit tomorrow except one thing... That my Insurance won't be paying for the visit, and to add yet another bill to the unpaid stack. Did I forget to mention "thanks" to Select Administrative Services"? Oops, must have slipped my mind.


UPDATE- The appt went much better than expected! Based on his progress the Geneticist has ruled out any severe muscular myopothy. He still wants to do the biopsy, but Bodie either won't have any problems or it will be a mild case. Chances are good that he will be able to live a pretty normal life. Music to our ears!!! There was also alot of jabber about increased feedings and growth hormones. Poor kid has either been starved or forced full of food since the day he was born!

More good news, He also wants to get Bodie in to see the Cranio Facial people and Plastic Surgeon next month. It seemed like he wanted to do the surgery sooner rather than later, which is fine by us, I can't wait to get that detestable trach out!!! He also talked about the jaw lengthening procedure, which may have to be done at the same time so the tongue can fit in his mouth and come out of his airway.

The only problem we have now is having to depend soley on Medicaid since the insurance dropped him for maxing out his lifetime benefits. Mississippi has a Medicaid program called MississippiCan, which should be called WeScrewYou! Apparently, there are Many Many things that are not in the list of providers! Like our Home Health Care, who is also not intersted in helping anyone. We can't switch Home Health Care providers though because they are the only ones who have pediatric trach supplies. Soooo.....Grace Healthcare is not covered by MississippiCan nor do we want to deal with them anymore because of the unprofessionalism (not showing up, not calling) but we are still stuck with them. All we can do is try to opt out of MississippiCan in the 2 days we have left to opt out or we are stuck with them for the next year! They may not let us opt out, and we don't even know what exactly is going to happen if they do. We're banking on him going back on regular Medicaid, but we'll see! Does your head hurt yet......mine does!


On the Road to Going Home

Right after Christmas they finally started talking about going home. I had alot of mixed feelings about that, I wanted him home so I could Finally bond with him and give him all the attention that he needed, but I was SO SCARED. Scared that I wouldn't be able to take care of him, scared that the huge amount of responsibility would be more than I could handle, mostly just scared of all the unknowns. The Doctors wanted him off the vent before they sent him home, so they started weaning him and he did great, within a few weeks he breathing on his own! The hospital set about making plans, getting things straight, and started training us on the ins & outs of a special needs baby. We were taking CPR classes, memorizing his supplies, practicing cleaning the trach & g-tube, suctioning the trach, changing the trach (the scariest part for me). 

By the end, my confidence had improved. At 5 months 1 week old, Bodie finally left the hospital. He is alot more work than a regular baby, but since he's a NICU baby, he doen't demand attention like a normal baby. So I think it evens out. He is the absolute sweetest thing, his smile lights up the room. We were home for a week, started getting into a routine, finally getting to use all the baby stuff that had gone unused for so many months, then he started to deteriorate. Constant dry cough, Low Sats, Unhappy and Sleeping constantly. We ended up in the ER 10 days after he came home. Within 24 hours he was being transported back to Ochsners. They think he caught some sort of virus, he was in the PICU for a week. They sedated him and used a paralytic so they could put him back on the vent. He was fighting the vent and they didn't want him to blow out a lung. Pretty scary stuff! He was well enough to go home after 2 weeks but we got to add a few more machines to our arsenal, Humidified air & breathing treatments. They seem to be working though because he's been home again for about 2 months with no major problems.


Bodie's First Days

I won't bore you all with the details of how much pain I was in (HORRIBLE) but it was actually a welcome distraction from what was really going on. It took me a few days to be able to get out of bed and go see him. I was scared to see him, I knew if I saw him, that meant that this whole thing was actually real. He was beyond tiny, only weighing in at 1 lb 6 oz and had so many tubes & things on him that I could barely see what he looked like.                                              

I don't recall who told me about the Pierre Robin Sequence or that he did not have Dwarfism, but I know I was told. All that mattered to me was hearing that Pierre Robin is fixable, and that was good news. Other than the PRS, he didn't appear to have anything else wrong with him. PRS consists of Cleft Palate, Underdeveloped chin & lower jaw, and the tongue is too big to fit in the mouth and stays in the airway, making breathing and eating extremely difficult. Of course it was something we had never heard of before. I'm not gonna lie, the inside of Bodie's mouth is a scary sight. Now that we've done lots of research we know that PRS does affect you in some way for the rest of your life (most commonly-hearing problems, teeth problems, speech problems). It is also usually associated with another Disorder. While in the NICU Bodie tested negative for everything but Muscular Disorders (dystrophy, myopathy), he will require a Muscle Biopsy in the near future to rule it out. He will also need surgey to repair the cleft, usually done between 1 & 2 years of age. I know there is a jaw lengthening procedure but the Dr's haven't talked to us about that, we are still trying to find info about it.

Back to the story...He was born at Memorial Hospital in Gulfport, MS and he gave them quite a run for their money as soon as he came out. They had to call someone from Ochsners Hospital in New Orleans LA to come and intubate him, because of his tiny size and blocked airway, they were having no luck. It horrifies me to think what Bodie must have went through in his first hours and what a terrible welcome into the world! A week later we all decided that Memorial was not quite equipped to handle an infant with such special needs and he was transfered to Ochsners.
Wade seeing his brother for the first time during the transfer.

Ochsners was a grueling 2 hour drive there and 2 hour drive back from our house, but we wanted him to have the best care possible. First impression of the NICU was good, the age cutoff for siblings was 3 so Wade could go in, which we were happy about and it seemed more lively and happy than the small Gulfport NICU. He was there for about a week when the Doctors decided he would benefit from a Tracheostomy. SAY WHAT??? What's the only thing worse than being told someone is going to cut a hole in your baby's throat? Actually seeing a 1 1/2 pound baby with a tube sticking out of their throat that is bigger than they are! Again with the Sobbing!

As much as I hated it, he did seem to come alive after that. He started opening his eyes and interacting. The next few months were a blur, we were basically holding our breath, waiting around for what other horrible thing awaited us. But nothing else really happened. He slowly but surely gained weight and improved. He had a wonderful Primary Care Nurse, Corinne, who really bonded with him and fought her heart out to get him better and make sure he had the best of everything! I still remember the best thing she ever said to me, he had been there about 2 months and she was bragging on how smart he was and said there was nothing wrong with his brain.I probably started crying, I'm surprised I didn't fall down & kiss the ground! That was my worst fear! I couldn't imagine he could have survived such a miserable existence in my womb and near suffocation when he was born and not have any brain damage. That's when the wall I had built up around my heart started to crumble. The wall I built to try to protect myself if something really bad happened or he didn't make it. And that's when hope started to creep in.

He was about 4 months old when they told us they wanted to put a feeding tube in his stomach because his reflux was a big problem with the trach. Another crappy surgery, the scars are adding up, but whatever is best for him.



The Pregnancy

We decided to have another baby around the time Wade was a year old. We tried for a while before we got the good news in February 2010 that Brandi was pregnant.

Bodie's due date was October 15th, the same day as Wade's third birthday!

Everything seems fine until the 5th month when we went to find out the sex of the baby. The Doctor told us that it was a boy but that he was measuring a little small. We didn't think anything of it because Wade had been a week & a half late and only weighed 6 lb 1 oz. Nevertheless, we were referred to an Ultrasound Specialist. Going in there, we were not worried, fully expecting her to say the baby was fine, just a little small. We were wrong. She said the leg bones were much shorter than they should be, indicating Down's Syndrome or Dwarfism. Shock, Fear and Heartbreak overtook us. It took a while to calm down and stop sobbing, then we agreed to an Amniocentesis, which would tell us if he had Down's Syndrome but could not test for Dwarfism. If he tested posotive for Down's, we would then need to decide if we wanted to terminate.

This horrible day happened 5 days before we were leaving to go to Myrtle Beach SC for our yearly vacation. We spent a week on a beautiful beach pretending to have fun, all the while trying to figure out if we had it in us to care for a brain damaged child (and probably adult) or if we had it in us to terminate a pregnancy in the 5th, almost 6th month. It was agony, we cried ourselves to sleep every night.

Luckily, after 2 weeks of waiting, he tested negative for Down's. She said odds were that it was Dwarfism, but there was really no way to know what kind of dwarfism. At that point we had already commited ourselves to having the baby and dealing with whatever came our way. She scheduled another appt. for the next month.

2nd appointment with the Ultrasound Specialist- We were desperatly hoping to go in there and be told everything looked normal now, no more worries! Wrong again. Although I knew something was indeed wrong because I wasn't showing much and the baby hardly ever moved, I was not expecting the news that the baby was much smaller than it should be (They call it Intrauterine Growth Retardation), probable cause was that my placenta was not giving the baby what he needed. Also my amniotic fluid was extremely low. Then we were sent upstairs to Labor and Delivery. The initial plan was to keep injecting me with steroids for a two days, hoping for a growth spurt. But in the hour it took to give me 1 steroid shot and do another ultrasound, they decided it was too risky to wait. I was prepped for C section, sick to my stomach, searching in vain for a way to escape this hell.

Bodie Mitchell was born on August 17, 2010. It was my first surgery and was just as horrible as I imagined it would be! When the baby came out, I couldn't see anything but I didn't hear any crying. I just kept repeating "Please Be Ok, Please Be Ok, Please Be Ok". Finally I heard a very tiny cry, it didn't even sound like a baby. Of course he was whisked off before I could see him. Ever heard someone say "I wish I could just crawl into a hole and hide out there for a while", well I believe that's what happened inside my head. I was just functioning moment to moment, that's what my mind had to do to avoid a total breakdown.