Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 2013.

Wow. I have been seriously slacking on my blogging duties. A whole YEAR has passed without a single entry. I am so sorry! A LOT has happened since December of last year. We had a good Spring & no major issues. Early in the summer of 2013 we moved. Thanks to D&P we moved into a new home in Biloxi. Thank You! The house is plenty big, with a garage on 2 acres in the country. I love that Bodie & Wade can play in the yard with minimal supervision as we have only five houses on our dead end street & practically zero traffic. So I've been busy moving, unpacking (still), fixing & planting. We even have a chicken coop with two chickens! The School District is very good & Bodie has been making good progress. Medically, He's 20lbs now and growing very, very slowly. He's vocalizing more though. I hope to attach a few of my youtube videos. The trach & feeding tube are still in (fingers crossed that THIS will be his year to finally be free!) He's really been able to play & get out more this year. Wade really enjoys having a play buddy, and is a good big brother to Bodie. Mom visited last Christmas & is scheduled to visit again this year with Tyler next week. Will try to update more & post more pics! RH .

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that last picture of you all with the chicken coup. I'm glad that Bodie is doing well.
