Tomorrow my sweet boy, you will turn 6 years old. I think this has been your best year yet! We have had a full calendar year free from a Hospital stay due to illness! Praise Jesus, for that wonderful blessing! You have come so far this year Bodie!
You have been to Disney World:

You learned to shoot your first real gun! (a 22lr)

You even took the HUGE step and are officially potty trained! WHOOO-HOOO!!!

No more DIAPERS!!!

We've had wonderful times as a family at the beach:

Having crawfish boils:

Visiting with family:

Learning our History & Heritage:

And just having lots of fun!!!!

The Holidays have been especially fun this year!

You've done so well this year Bodie, I am very proud of you and hope your 6th year is your best yet!
I love you son, Happy Birthday!!!