Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Bodie!

My beautiful baby boy turned 4 years old on the 17th. What an incredible 4 years it has been!

 Looking back, I wondered if we would even see this day, and if so would Bodie have made as much progress as he has? Thank God my questions have been answered & my son is doing great.

 At 4 years old, Bodie is now: Running, playing, jumping and dancing! He is eating all of his food by mouth and his diet is only supplemented by two feeds using his g-tube. He has wonderful energy levels and loves to play and learn. He knows all his ABCs and letter sounds and has even begun to write his ABCs. His vocabulary is improving as are his communication skills. All in all, year four has been his best & most productive yet!

The trach progress has also been wonderful! Bodie has slept a few nights completely capped and spends every day now completely capped. As soon as he has corrective oral surgery to remove & repair some back teeth, we plan & hope to proceed with another attempt to decanulate (remove trach). This time we are very optimistic that it will be successful.

So again, I'd like to wish a Happy Birthday to Bodie Mitchell. I love you so much son! 
 I am thankful for all you are and every day with you!
Edit to add a very special thank you to everyone who has helped Bodie get this far! Family, All the staff at Oschner Hospital, Therapists, Friends, my Employers, our Church and God above.